Monday, July 11, 2011

Mine on Monday / Inked

Reid got a birthday card from his Great Aunt with temporary tattoos in it and was VERY EXCITED to put one on. Except that when I got it on his arm he burst out in tears. It seems he thought it was a sticker :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


It's hard to tell if spring has actually arrived or not through all this rain and gloomy weather. At least the tree's are starting to bud. But either way, it's only about a week until Easter and you know what that means.....Candy!!! wait!...Adorable children dressed up in their Easter outfits! This first Easter session  was all indoor as it was still a little too cold and a little too not-green-yet outside. More adorable children to follow :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What a difference one year makes!

 Feb 2010
to Feb 2011.

Wow! My little bub is growing up so fast! When he was playing in the tub the other day (obviously this was a few weeks ago and it's just taken me a long time to post them) I realized that it had been along time since I'd taken any playing-in-the tub pictures. And I was thinking I'd better hurry up cause those tubby-pictures days don't last that long! Well when I went back and looked I realized that it's been exactly a year since the last time I did this and I love seeing how much he's changed :)


 (complete with modesty bubbles :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

In the studio....

Wow, 20 months!! I can't believe how big Reid is getting. He looks like such a BOY and not such a baby in these pictures. We took these while getting the studio ready for our session with Cerrie the other day. I've been  making some changes lately to make the whole studio setup even more portable. I'm really excited about the ways these turned out. It helped that I can now setup where ever I need to to get the best light. It would help alot more if Reid wasn't constantly in motion. But it's amazing what a couple of gummy bears will get you. Is there a milestone for "responds to bribery"? Cause if there is, we have arrived!

Sorry, no smiles in the whole bunch. Lately that day he came down with that awful stomach bug that been going around. We are only just recovering after I was down for the count on Sunday and Monday. I'll have to figure out if there's a food he'll sit AND smile for. Probably blueberries! :)

Fun with collages...

Yesterday, while having fun with Cerrie's storyboard collage, I wanted to try out a few more for my another session I did about a month back. I just love that rolly-polly not-yet-running-all-over-the-place baby stage :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cerrie's One Year Session

This adorable little lady is the daughter of a friend of mine. Since I have a toddler of my own, I'm used to toddler photography and all the chasing and begging and bribery that it usually entails.....but it's easy to forget that each little person has there own unique personality... Or maybe it's just that boys and girls are so different! Cerrie was such a sweetheart and oh-so-cooperative even though we had to re-try this shoot a couple of times. Thanks to Mom and Dad for having me over to take these and thanks to baby Cerrie for one whole year of your sweet smiles! :)

......oh and I had a little help during my session from this guy.....

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

That Lazy Baby is still in bed!!!.....

A couple of weeks ago my husband was sick with strep throat, so I slept in the twin bed in  Reid's room. And surprise! surprise!, Reid ended up sleeping in it with me (you can't just turn off the monitor when you're RIGHT THERE!). So after three nights in a row, he is now obsessed with sleeping in the twin bed --- climbing into it, pull the covers over himself, somersaulting into it over the head know, just like a grown up :) Here are a few pictures I snapped this morning, trying to get him dressed while he had such a good time playing on the bed.